Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To verb

Verb: "Conjugate"

Here are some examples with the verb "conjugate." If you doubt that "conjugate" is a verb (or need to look up what it means), definitions from dictionary.com and Merriam-Webster agree. Note that, as with many verbs, noun forms exist. Here we're using the verb form.

Singular Plural
PersonPronounVerb    PronounVerb
1stIconjugate     weconjugate
2ndyouconjugate     you [all]conjugate
3rdhe/she/itconjugates      theyconjugate

Conjgate is a regular verb, so the present tense is simple. Consider the past tense:

Singular Plural
PersonPronounVerb    PronounVerb
1stIconjugated     weconjugated
2ndyouconjugated     you [all]conjugated
3rdhe/she/itconjugated     theyconjugated
The past tense is easy to form with a weak verb like "conjugate." This is normal behavior for a verb. English has more complicated verbs, like irregular and strong verbs, but those are generally the oldest verbs in the language. New verbs are regular and weak.

From www.loginisnotaverb.com

Thanks (again) to Pheas! 

Tuesday, July 6, 2010