Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Metaprime Example of...

Circular Reasoning:
Jenny: That’s a circle.
Bert: How do you know?
Jenny: Because it looks round.

The eponymous mausoleum of Mausollos

A fanciful interpretation of the Mausoleum of Maussollos, from a 1572 engraving by Marten Heemskerk (1498–1574), who based his reconstruction on descriptions

Thank-you gift of a coupon for a free latte

Increasingly More Rhopalic?

-Dr. Noga Friedman and Dr. Moti Friedman, Israel (brightn

A Word A Day’s Rhopalic Headline Contest Entry

Concretely yours...


Q. What is this curious list I see?
A. The answer is plainly, "Poet–tree."

Can you find the official picket?

The Ultimate...

FAIL cake?


2008 November 3
tags: maybe it's just me
by drmk

for sale sign – $25
for sale by owner sigh $25 cash.

(sigh, indeed!)

The Very Definition

def·i·ni·tion (děf'ə-nĭsh'ən)

1. A statement conveying fundamental character.
2. A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry.
3. The act of making clear and distinct: a definition of one's intentions.
4. The state of being closely outlined or determined: "With the drizzle, the trees in the little clearing had lost definition" (Anthony Hyde).
5. A determination of outline, extent, or limits: the definition of a President's authority.
6. The clarity of detail in an optically produced image, such as a photograph, effected by a combination of resolution and contrast.
7. The degree of clarity with which a televised image or broadcast signal is received.

More Existential Linguistic Metaprime Examples:

· "like a simile"
· plurals
· possessive's
· compound-modifier hyphenation
· This is a simple sentence.
· The previous sentence is a simple sentence, and this one is a compound sentence. 
· While the previous two sentences are exemplary of simple and compound sentences, this sentence is complex.

In the classroom...

Teacher: Write me a compound sentence.

Emmanuel: What’s that?

Teacher: You know what. It takes TWO sentences, conjunction, etc. (giving the instructions with apparent urgency in her voice)

Emmanuel: "Ms. Peach wants a compound sentence, and she wants it now!"

Online and Metaprime!

A possum playing possum:

Who was the poster who was a state spelling be champion?

(We’re guessing it wasn’t you???)

Handle: TypoKnig

A survey surveying whether survey takers like taking surveys.

A message thread about message threads

“Let me know if I need to clafify...oops, I mean clarify…LOL! I had to clarify clarify!”

Q: What do you call these: “ __” ?

A: They are “quotation marks” to me.

(And you need them there because???)

In the comment section:

I have no reason to comment on this survey. The staff was very nice.

On Facebook:

It's DOPPLEGÄNGER WEEK! During this week, change your profile picture to someone famous you have been told you look like...

The person I was told I looked like in high school…Patty Duke, who had a TV show at the time where she played the part of a girl who had a doppelgänger first cousin.

You can even order your own:

Fridge Magnets

And, speaking of fridge magnets, refrigerator magnets are a metaprime world unto themselves:

a refrigerator magnet that IS a refrigerator…(magnet)

a refrigerator magnet that IS a magnet ..

a refrigerator magnet that is an advertisement for MAGNET schools.

When you know you're not a babe magnet...

And the pi pie plates...

Then there are the pi pies...

Pi -tee

(numbers start with 3.1416...)


The One That Started It All...

It all started with a T-shirt. Johnny Fever wore it on WKRP in Cincinnati, but I never heard anything mentioned about it in the show. It tickled me so much that I paid to have one made. It said:


I...think I know which department you want...

1. The act of reduplicating or the state of being reduplicated.

What was the name of that department again?

Department of Redundancy Department

Metaprime Haiku

A first line of five
Then onto one of seven
Five on the last line
[Josh Stott | 3.6.01]

Five, seven, and five
are seventeen syllables:
a perfect haiku
[Bake Neko | 3.6.01]

The first line has five.
The second line has seven.
Then end with five more.
[Lincoln Bahr | 3.6.01]

To convey one's mood
In seventeen syllables
Is very diffic
John Cooper Clark

Metapuzzle Example:


Click to Mix and Solve

What I'm trying to say is...

Long story short…(is it ever – when we hear this?)

3rd person, singularly irregular

Trying to explain to a friend named Kaliski, who constantly refers to himself in the third person, what “third person” was – evidently someone had commented on his quirk. I explained about first person, and I thought he was getting it. Then I began to explain about second person, and his eyes glazed over. When I got to third person, he said affably, "I don't know, Kaliski might be stupid, but Kaliski just doesn't get the whole third-person thing."

SPAM it all!

From: Pauline Wiggins
Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2006 08:56:19 +0100
Subject: SPAM: Fwd: QUESTION

Standard Fare

On the Louisiana Department of Education Website, under the state Standards and Benchmarks for English, every time they say that a student must use Standard English, they fail to capitalize the S in Standard English...(in the English Standards)!

Who do you think you are?

In a discussion of the death penalty.

“But if you execute Josef Mengele, then you ARE Josef Mengele.”

(Direct quote from E. Lee)

Miss Spelling (no, not Tori)


and the sign in my classroom:

And More Metaprime Examples:

At the airport today, our flight left from Gate G8.





More Metaprime Examples:


Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Some poems rhyme.
This one doesn’t.

Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning

Have you hugged your computer today?
Computers absolutely hate it when you anthropomorphize them.

Bar Graph

Pie Chart

Who is who?

Unicorn Note Cards

Snailmail correspondence is almost as mythical as unicorns, so these notecards are sort of meta.

My License Plates:

My Kitchen Canisters

Existential Metaprimes

Which brings us to another category. Metaprime examples aren’t just words. There is another category of metaprimes that are existential. Existential metaprime examples actually exist – as Richard Dickson, Jr., exists. These ironic examples of things are the things they exemplify. Look at these metaprime examples of Metaprime Examples. (I’m dizzy now, so I’m going to go lie down while you look at them.)


to the giving of the names of accidents to names and speeches; as they do that say, the nature of a thing is its definition; a man's command is his will; and the like ... (Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes)

My son Isaac found this one. There was a football player at LSU named:

Richard Dickson, III

And he is the son of

Richard Dickson, Jr.

son of

Richard Dickson

But Richard Dickson, Jr. might be the best Metaprime Example ever!


Aristotle says in the Metaphysics, ‘That which is signified by the name of a thing is its definition.’

Metaprime numbers:

Metaprime metaphors:

A company in Hungary called Metaprime:

It is what it is...literally!

compound-modifier hyphenation


“punny” (when someone says a pun)

A man noted for telling puns was locked in a closet and told he would not be released until he made up a pun about the situation.
He immediately shouted, "Oh, pun the door!"

First metaprime example

And here we have, from Merriam-Webster, the first metaprime example. A metaprime example is an example that is self-referential. It folds back on itself, ironically. Some metaprime examples are intentional. Some are whimsical while others are serious, and still others are happily ignorant and innocent. Therefore, in saying "a prime example" as an example of a "very good" example, "a prime example," although compromised in its overuse, nevertheless becomes its very own metaprime example incarnate. On the other hand "prime farmland," for example, is not a “metaprime” example. Here it just means "very good."

The following metaprime examples are presented for your examination.

What is a Metaprime Example?

Definition of meta: self-referential; referring to itself or its characteristics, esp. as a parody; about

(meta. (n.d.). Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.7). Retrieved May 10, 2008, from website:

Definition of prime as an adjective:




Middle English, from Anglo-French, feminine of prim first, from Latin primus; akin to Latin prior


14th century

1: first in time : original 2 a: of, relating to, or being a prime number — compare relatively prime b: having no polynomial factors other than itself and no monomial factors other than 1 =prime polynomial> c: expressed as a product of prime factors (as prime numbers and prime polynomials) prime factorization>3 a: first in rank, authority, or significance : principal a prime example> b: having the highest quality or value =prime farmland> c: of the highest grade regularly marketed —used of meat and especially beef4: not deriving from something else : primary

(prime. (2008). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

Retrieved May 10, 2008, from

Metaprime Examples

A metaprime example is an example that is self-referential. It folds back on itself, ironically. Some metaprime examples are intentional. Some are whimsical while others are serious, and still others are happily ignorant and innocent. Therefore, in saying "a prime example" as an example of a "very good" example, "a prime example," although compromised in its overuse, nevertheless becomes its very own metaprime example incarnate. On the other hand "prime farmland," for example, is not a “metaprime” example. Here it just means "very good."